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Welcome to the
National Geographic Learning
IATEFL Speaker information hub

See you in Brighton

Our Speakers

 10.35 -11.20  
Auditorium 1


Alex Warren 

National Geographic Learning

Senior Academic Consultant 

Utilizing Visible Thinking Routines in the EAP Classroom.

The role of the teacher is multi-faceted – not only do we have the responsibility of developing our learners’ language knowledge and skills, but also the cognitive, social and interpersonal skills they need to in order to be successful in school, work and life in the 21st century. Not least amongst these is the need to get our learners to start thinking for themselves and asking questions, rather than being spoon-fed. With examples from the latest edition of National Geographic Learning’s Pathways series, in this workshop I’ll show how we can incorporate visible thinking routines into our lessons to not only develop our students’ cognitive skills, but also to stimulate meaningful discussion involving all students.


Chia Suan Chong

National Geographic Learning


17.20 - 18.05  

Teaching mediation: mediating concepts and mediating communication

The CEFR have highlighted mediation skills as key. But how can we teach students to mediate concepts and communication beyond lists of useful phrases? How can students better participate in group conversations, deal with disagreements and manage differences in multi-cultural spaces? This workshop will look at practical ideas of helping students develop their communication skills and being more communicatively competent. 


11.05 -11.35  
Auditorium 1

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Hugh Dellar 

National Geographic Learning


Better Listening Outcomes

In this session, I’ll be suggesting that what has traditionally been thought of as ‘developing listening skills’ might better be framed as ‘developing vocabulary and working on the ability to hear language'. I’ll look at the classroom implications of this view and put forward some ways teachers can help students hear language through routines you can use with any class.  

**Free copy of Outcomes Third Edition Pre-Intermediate for all attendees**

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Charlie Ellis 

Head of Strategic & Digital Marketing

National Geographic Learning

13.40 - 13.55  
Pop-up Stage

Five ways to make your school greener

Join sustainability expert and enthusiast, Charlotte Ellis, to get five quick ideas to improve your school’s impact on the environment, your community and your students. Come along and receive a free desktop garden!

**Free desktop garden for all attendees**

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17.30 - 18.15  

Eftychis Kantarakis

Sales Manager, Greece & Cyprus

National Geographic Learning

Ruby Polygenis

Teacher Trainer,  

Faros Private Language

School Owner

SDGs, SEL and Storytelling: Time-travelling and global citizenship in ELT.

We can use the SDGs to bring SEL into our classrooms, by exploring and understanding the social responsibilities of ourselves and our learners. Through role-playing, students can amaze us with innovative solutions, for challenges in periods throughout history, and today’s modern world. This workshop will foster global citizenship in our students, learning from the past, equipping us for our future.

10.20 - 10.50  
Auditorium 1

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Elly Setterfield 

Product Marketing Manager

National Geographic Learning

Play for a Sustainable Future: Nurturing Minds through Play-Based Learning.

Play is vital for children’s cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development. In this session we’ll unveil the hidden connections between play-based learning and the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), highlighting lesser-known SDGs and demonstrating how play can contribute to achieving them. We’ll use examples from series by National Geographic Learning to explore playful approaches and support holistic development.

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Andrew Walkley

National Geographic Learning


15.35 - 16.05  
Auditorium 1

Using mediation for better outcomes.

In this talk I’ll discuss the benefits of considering mediation at all stages of lessons - especially where our goal is to enable genuine conversations and develop good learning practices. I will show how we make use of mediation in Outcomes (National Geographic Learning), show teachers how they might exploit mediation and dispel some myths and fears surrounding it.

**Free copy of Outcomes Third Edition Upper-Intermediate for all attendees**

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