Can't wait to see everyone in Harrogate!
18th - 21st April 2023
Below, you will find all the information on our speakers and where you will find them.

1.1 - 10.35 -11.20
King's Suite
Emily Bryson
National Geographic Learning
Author and Teacher Trainer
Just keep teaching! Maintaining focus and well-being in disrupted classrooms.
Many learners attend classes whilst facing difficulties such as war, displacement, homelessness or mental health problems. This can be challenging for both teachers and learners. Giving examples from National Geographic Learning’s ‘Teaching through Crisis’ website this session will explore practical ways to support learners living unsettled lives. It will also provide ideas for maintaining teacher wellbeing.
**Receive a free copy of Voices when you attend this talk
Katherine Stannett
National Geographic Learning
1.9 - 17.20 - 18.05

The What, Why and How of Social and Emotional Learning
What is social and emotional learning (SEL), why is it so relevant right now and how can we incorporate it into our teaching practice? In this workshop, we will explore the definition of SEL and share some simple, practical activities from the NGL course ‘New Close-up’ that can help to foster these crucial life skills within the English language classroom.
2.2 - 11.00 -11.30
King's Suite
Alex Warren
Senior ELT Academic Consultant
National Geographic Learning

For What it’s Earth: Incorporating Sustainability Education into EAP Classrooms
Teaching English is no longer just teaching English. We must also prepare students with the skills, values and knowledge to contribute to a global society. With examples from National Geographic Learning titles, in this session, we’ll explore how we can incorporate education for sustainable development into our EAP classes, and in doing so truly prepare our students for their futures.
Chia Suan Chong
National Geographic Learning
15.35 - 15.50
Pop-up Stage - Main Exhibition Hall
POP UP: Building relationships and networking in English
We use language not only to share information but also to build relationships. Teaching the skill of socialising and small talk goes beyond teaching useful phrases and functional language. Using the T-A-L-K mnemonic, Chia looks at practical ways we can help improve our students’ social skills and build better relationships when communicating in English. But in order to teach socialising skills, we also need to put what we teach to practice ourselves. In this pop-up session, Chia gives us tips to help make networking, socialising and getting to know new people at this IATEFL conference easier and more successful.

3.2 - 11.00 - 11.30
Hall D
Lewis Lansford
National Geographic Learning
Global English: chaos, communication and the art of the kludge
Coursebook conversations generally feature complete sentences, clear turn-taking, and straightforward communication. While useful for practising grammar and vocabulary, they may not prepare learners for the relative chaos of the real-world. That requires mastery the kludge – a quick fix using available resources. Using examples from National Geographic’s Voices series, this talk explores communication kludges and ways learners can use them.
**Receive a free copy of Voices when you attend this talk

DaVida Alston Smith
K-12 Sales and Professional Development Manager,
National Geographic Learning
3.6 - 14.15 - 15.00
King's Suite

English for a sustainable future
As our global community continues to grow and change across international schools, it is imperative that Educators develop instructional practices which promote global citizenship, sustainability, social-emotional learning, and student inquiry. National Geographic Learning Resources, ‘Lift’ and ‘Reach Higher’ will be used to provide a deeper understanding of how Educators may use Content Based resources to promote global perspectives.

4.1 - 10.15 - 10.45
Ellen Setterfield
DELTA trained teacher
National Geographic Learning
Thinking Skills and Mindsets for Young Learner Sustainable Development Education
How do we explore the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) with our young learners in age-appropriate ways? With examples from series by National Geographic Learning we’ll consider mindsets and thinking skills that will be useful as we strive to create a better world, and share practical ways we can foster these in our schools, in our learners, and in ourselves.