Managing Student Exams, Revision Stress and Wellbeing
The Revised for 2021 exams Michigan All-Star Practice Tests contains eight complete ECCE practice tests with an abundance of extra material designed to provide students with the chance to continue building their competency in each of the areas tested in the exam.
The Revised for 2021 exams Michigan ECPE Practice Tests contains eight full-length practice tests for the ECPE. Each test has been designed to familiarise students with the exact format of the ECPE and provide them with the opportunity to improve their performance in each of the skill areas tested in the exam.
The Revised for 2021 exams Michigan ECPE Final Countdown Practice Tests contains eight full-length practice tests for the ECPE. Each test has been designed to familiarise students with the exact format of the ECPE and provide them with the opportunity to improve their performance in each of the skill areas tested in the exam.